Release Notes

Glass Phone Software Release

  1. Fixed contact restore issue.
  2. Included provision to re-register lines on 404(Not Found) error.
  3. Required audio gain values are set by default.
  4. DND setting is made configurable.
  5. QoS kept in general settings.

Glass Phone Software Release

  1. Fixed issue of pickup for parked call.
  2. Intercom/Console setting made false by default.

Glass Phone Software Release

  1. Software changes to handle new update mechanism.
  2. Fixed SIP registrar issue which was observed in http browser (change not being saved).
  3. Included provision to add SRTP feature in future (secure communication option).
  4. Fixed couple of issues in console button feature.
  5. Ringing cadence implementation for required countries (Japan, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy and Spain) and user agent header changes.
  6. Added Intercom feature to console buttons.
  7. Extended the maximum number of console buttons from 16 to 32 buttons.

Glass Phone Software Release

  1. Fixed an issue where wrong contact detail was shown on the selection of a contact.
  2. Added call park feature with 8 static buttons.
  3. Significant changes to optimize heavy UI operations to reduce and eliminate KeyDispatch timeout exception.

Glass Phone Software Release

  1. A new feature, "Hold On Transfer", was added.This feature adds a configuration option in Call Settings=>Enable Hold On Transfer. This feature works as follows:
  2. Fixed a crash happening due to KeyDispatchTimeout exception.
  3. Fixed an issue of firmware mismatch in User Agent after software upgrade.
  4. Optimized the memory usage of GlassPhoneApp.
  5. Changed the Codec priority to G711a, G711u, G729.
  6. Fixed an issue of dialtone not heard when switching between lines.
  7. Fixed several ossible out of memory errors.
  8. Fixed code handling for several observed null pointer exceptions.

Glass Phone Software Release 2.3.6

  1. Phone now starts automatically downloading and installing update at boot time if next update is available on DHCP Option66 server. This is available only on Vixtel devices.
  2. Provisioning application does not show provisioning prompts for additional user information.
  3. Provisioning application shows new Vixtel logo on provisioning progress screen for Vixtel devices.
  4. Default audio gain settings have been tuned and updated.
  5. Phone now sets handset speaker volume to 9 after firmware update.
  6. Fixed issue of ending call dialog preventing call pickup from handset/speaker for next call.
  7. Phone now supports automatic firmware update using following adb command:
  8. Phone firmware now supports OMAP3530 ES3.2.1 (OMAP3530E version).
  9. Fixed issue of phone reporting incorrect status after rebooting in test mode.
  10. Fixed issue of 3 way conference where 3rd leg remained mute.
  11. SIP transport protocol can now be configured (UDP/TCP) in the following two ways:
  12. Fixed issue of call automatically switching from handset to speaker and speaker not getting highlighted.
  13. Fixed issue of line configuration failure.
  14. Fixed issue of first line being invisible in Phone Settings.
  15. Phone now supports configuring LDAP settings by auto provisioning.
  16. Phone now supports removing of LDAP configuration in following two ways:
  17. Fixed issue of Outbound Transfers under Line settings => Advanced by default remain unchecked after auto provisioning.
  18. Phone now allows user to configure Site IP parameter settings for line configuration only for IP150 devices.
  19. Phone now allows user to import/export contacts in standard VCF file using web console.
  20. Provisioning application permits user to import contacts by hosting contacts VCF file on provisioning server.
  21. Fixed issue of MWI notifications not getting reflected.
  22. Removed CNN News application.
  23. Fixed issue of call not terminating on phone in some scenarios.
  24. Fixed issue of ringing cadence inconsistently reflecting country settings.
  25. Phone now allows user to configure call park URI using Phone Settings or Web console.
  26. User can now view Parked Call window using new button on right bar similar to BLF console window.
  27. Phone now allows user to park the call from pull down panel of Call dialog.
  28. Fixed issue of invalid configuration file, VoIP system stopped, by restricting space input in SIP URI related entries in Phone settings and web console.
  29. Fixed configuration issue to check the country setting upon firmware update and set cadence accordingly.
  30. Phone now adds "site ip" parameter in "From" header for INVITE request along with REGISTER request.
  31. Fixed issue of crash observed in attended transfer case.
  32. Phone now shows parked call count indicator circle on Parked Call Button.
  33. Phone now sets intercom call unmuted by default.
  34. Phone shows toast with digital id information when a call is parked.
  35. Contacts application now shows progress dialog on scrolling while loading contacts.
  36. Fixed issue of LDAP setting not saved on repeated visits to LDAP setting page; however, same can be achieved by re-launching contact app.
  37. Fixed issue of showing last opened contacts on re-launching LDAP contacts list.
  38. Fixed issue of LDAP settings are not getting saved for configuration backup.
  39. Improved search functionality of LDAP contacts list.
  40. Fixed issue of crash observed in VoIP.
  41. Specifying "C=" line only in media session level of SIP.
  42. Fixed issue of continuous reboot cycle caused by contacts database which is having large number of call log entries.
  43. Fixed issue of crash observed in in Android framework.
  44. Fixed issue of crash observed in Phone application while handling calls.
  45. Phone can now display available free memory on long press of "Back" button.
  46. Fixed out of memory issues.
  47. Fixed issues of crashes observed during incoming call dialogs and other modules.
  48. Fixed issue of dialtone and ringtone heard simultaneously.
  49. User can now select the type of transfer(blind/attended) in Call Settings. Default option is attended transfer
  50. Fixed issue related to non-receipt of voice mails
  51. Handling failure response of hold/unhold requests. Introduced an intermediate call dialog state. Coloring call dialog color gray from blue till phone receives response to hold request. If receives success then coloring call dialog yellow else coloring back to blue. Similarly coloring call dialog color gray from yellow till phone receives response to un-hold request. If receives success then coloring call dialog blue else coloring back to yellow.
  52. Disabled conference hold options.
  53. Fixed issue of unsupported media in SIP stack.
  54. Removed "TIAS" attribute from SDP.

Glass Phone Software Release

  1. Modification of default audio gain settings.
  2. Added duplicate IP detection mechanism and display status in Phone Status app.
  3. Fixed issue of MWI notification without voice message count tag.
  4. Fixed issue of crash in Console.
  5. Settings application now allows user to reapply IP configuration in Network Settings.
  6. Phone now enables noise reduction on all audio interfaces.
  7. Fixed G729 codec related noise issue.

Glass Phone Software Release 2.3.5

  1. Fixed issue with phone repeatedly rebooting after user performed a factory data reset.
  2. Long press on Back button shows CPU load for troubleshooting a sluggish phone.
  3. Long press on Menu button shows the pointer location activity which is very useful for troubleshooting a malfunctioning touch panel.
  4. Contacts app now automatically switches tab to the first non-empty type of contacts (Outlook, Google etc).
  5. Android apps can now allocate up to 32 MB on the Glass 1100. This enables better app compatibility.
  6. Provisioning file now support automatically creating an Exchange Account.
  7. Fixes related to provisioning Console buttons.
  8. Fixes related to showing the BLF state of Console buttons.
  9. Calendar Widget is now available on the phone.
  10. About Phone Settings enhanced to allow the user to reboot the phone and to restart Android.
  11. Fixed issue where the notification panel would become black and stop showing notifications until the phone was rebooted.
  12. Fixed issue of Phone app crash on locale change.
  13. Web console now has a new feature: Configuration Backup and Restore, which allows the user to save the configuration file to their computer and later apply it to restore those settings.
  14. Phone now supports drag and drop feature for transfer and add caller button of call dialog on console buttons. The Transfer or Add Caller buttons can be dragged on to a Console button to transfer to or conference in that number.
  15. Fixed BLF SUBSCRIBE refresh mechanism when the phone's LAN cable was disconnected for a period of time and then reconnected.
  16. Added an option to select type of handset cord (sheilded or standard) on the Glass 1000.
  17. Reserverd video RAM has been decreased from 32 MB to 4 MB, thus making 28 MB extra available to the phone.
  18. Fixed delete problems with console items when using the web console.
  19. Fixed crash in contacts while search all contacts.
  20. Contacts app now automatically launches on-screen keyboard when the user selects "Search".
  21. Fixed issue of call transfer ringing continuing at transferring end even though the user has ended the call to be transferred.
  22. Move Phone App selection settings from General Settings to Applications Settings.
  23. If the phone's provisioning file contains the value of a provisioning URL, then the phone will attempt to re-fetch a new provisioning file from the specified URL and provision itself with that data.
  24. Factory tests now include a test for the Bluetooth module.
  25. Phone now allows user to make an Emergency call even when the phone is locked. User must set emergency number in Phone Settings, General Settings.
  26. Fixed issue crash on pressing call statistics menu button when no call is present.
  27. Fixed issue of crash on phone boot when multiple launcher apps installed on phone.
  28. Phone now turns Off the Home key LED during soft reboot.
  29. Fixed issue of time and date format issue for diagnostics upload.
  30. Fixed issue of repeated values in web console.
  31. Fixed issue of voicemail notification not being removed when phone is unprovisioned.
  32. Configuration file now support VLAN ID, QoS values for SIP, RTP and Layer 2 traffic.
  33. Phone Status page will only appear after Applying Phone settings, if one of the lines fails to Register properly.

Glass Phone Software Release

  1. Random reboots are fixed and should not occur now.
  2. Fixed UI placement issues experienced using the Call Transfer pull down panel.
  3. Contact shortcut icon on home screen now display right side up.
  4. Calls initialed from Call Log details screen will now use the correct line.
  5. Icon labels for shortcuts placed in folders in the home screen will now use the proper color.

Glass Phone Software Release 2.3.4

  1. SlideME market app is now available on the phone. Cloud TC market app removed from phone.
  2. Support for recieving paging/intercom calls.
  3. Initiate paging/intercom calls if appropriate star code is configured in Call Settings.
  4. New entries in Call Settings that allow user to control intercom behavoir.
  5. Call Log now displays the Line associated with a call log entry.
  6. Call Settings enhanced to allow user to specify hich line is used when Call Log is used to initiate calls.
  7. Phone now supports locking the screen with a password, a pin code or a lock pattern.
  8. Bluetooth keyboards are now supported.
  9. BLF Console can now be configured using the phone's web console.
  10. Web console now shows phone's model number and software version numbers.
  11. Phone now supports multiple Incoming and Connecting calls simultaneously. Previously, if the phone was in the Ringing state, it would reject any other incoming calls.
  12. RTCP call statistics are now reported via a new menu item in the Phone app.
  13. On-phone Line Setttings enhanced to allow the user to:
  14. Contacts app now allows Contacts to be added via LDAP.
  15. Phone now uploades diagnostics automatically when an application crashes.
  16. Phone supports eMMC v4.4 specification.
  17. Dialpad number entry field is now editable by positioning the cursor which the field.
  18. On booting, the phone will now play a single notification tone for multiple missed calls or voice messages.

Glass Phone Software Release 2.3.3


  1. Added Bluetooth Headset and Handsfree Profiles.
  2. Glass platform now supports replaceable third-party Phone Apps using the Glass VoIP Phone API.
  3. Added Operator Console featuring 16 programmable quick dials that change color to reflect BLF state.
  4. Added Call Forwarding feature.
  5. Added 7, 10, 11 and International dialing prefixes.
  6. Added setting for turning off Call Waiting.
  7. Full localization for Italian and Spanish languages.
  8. VoIP System

  9. Support BLF via SIP Subscribe/Notify.
  10. Fixed issue where DHCP transaction ID was not sufficiently randomized.
  11. Removed G722 codec as it is not compatible with Bluetooth.
  12. Added option to generate local ringback and ignore early media.
  13. Fix blind transfer issues with Vixtel switch.
  14. Report full firmware version in SIP user-agent header.

Glass Phone Software Release 2.3.2


  1. Fixed issue where the DTMF dialpad would automatically close after few seconds.
  2. Fixed issue where Market app did not install large apks (such as Firefox).
  3. Handle race condition where SIP CANCEL did not end the call, leaving the phone with no UI for an active call.
  4. Fixed issue where if the phone has an active call on a line and other call came in on a different line, the incoming could not be answered if the user ended the active call.
  5. VoIP System

  6. Improved handset sound quality by adjusting analog gains.
  7. SIP registration is now automatically retried on 403 response. Increase the max tries for 401 challange from 3 to 9.
  8. Support Nextiva PBX. Handle the SIP BUSY response if the 'to' number of an incoming call is not the same as the account number.
  9. Remove unnecessary attributes in SDP (a=rtcp and a=X-nat).
  10. Increase dialtone levels.

Glass Phone Software Release 2.3.1

This Glass Platform Software release is based on Android 2.3 (Gingerbread).

    Android changes

  1. Adobe Flash is now supported.
  2. Phone and Android apps now run faster due to a Java Just-In-Time compiler.
  3. Linux kernel has been updated from 2.6.29 to 2.6.32.
  4. Application memory heap size has been increased to 24 MB.
  5. Bluetooth is available for file transfer (headsets not supported in this release).
  6. Ethernet connectivity type is supported in the Android framework.
  7. Networking

  8. 802.11q VLANs are now supported.
  9. Phone supports the use of HTTP(s) proxies.
  10. Glass Phone App

  11. Phone now supports maximum 12 simultaneous calls (2 calls per line for a maximum of 6 lines).
  12. Added attended transfer capability.
  13. Added support for PAUSE (,) and WAIT (;) characters while dialing a number.
  14. Added feature for switching between calls on a per line basis by touching the appropriate line button.
  15. Added feature for quick action popup in case of incoming call on a different line than the line on which a call is active.
  16. Fixed call handling bugs in transfer and 3-way conference.
  17. Added Favorites and Share Screen option in right bar (Share Screen app is coming soon).
  18. Glass Phone widgets (line widget, left and right bars) can be enabled or disabled from Settings > Display > GlassPhone Widgets.
  19. Replaced Phone button on left bar with Home button.
  20. Moved Mute option from right power bar to call dialog.
  21. Line widget now only shows configured lines and line button dynamically resize depending on number of lines configured.
  22. Touching line button when there are no calls shows the keypad and call screen if there are active calls.
  23. Longpress on line button shows Phone Status.
  24. Line widget buttons are replaced by an appropriate message, if phone is in unusable state due to lack of network connectivity, being unprovisioned or not having successful SIP registration.
  25. Phone detects Ethernet link and reports Link Down if cable is disconnected from phone.
  26. Fixed sound glitch issue when changing selection from Headset to Speaker in Right power bar.
  27. Show RTCP call statistics during a call on touching call timer in call dialog.
  28. Fix issues related to transferring the call to user's cell phone.
  29. Phone will no longer play dial tone if Ethernet cable in unplugged.
  30. Outlook Contacts

  31. Added Progress bar while importing outlook contacts.
  32. Fixed several bugs uncovered in previous releases.
  33. 64-bit version of Outlook on PC is now supported.
  34. PC application now automatically sends to the phone, incremental changes made to Outlook contacts on the PC.
  35. Contacts

  36. Redesigned the Contacts logic with more functionality and stability.
  37. Added new option as Sort list by and View contacts name under Display options.
  38. Added join and Separate Contact functionality.
  39. Fix issue where numbers imported from Google/Outlook containing alphabetic entries, were incorrectly stored in Contacts.
  40. Call Logs

  41. Redesigned the Call Logs logic with new UI.
  42. Added "Add to ~contacts" option.
  43. Similar calls are now grouped together.
  44. Settings

  45. Added Bluetooth Settings.
  46. Added International Dialing Prefix option under Phone Settings > General Settings.
  47. Added option to specify a Default Line and switch to Default Line after a call ends, under Phone Settings > General Settings.
  48. Fixed minor bugs in Erase All Contacts functionality.
  49. Phone Status

  50. Added option to capture network traffic for a specific duration in minutes.
  51. Report Ethernet link status.
  52. Fixed issue where after un-provisioning the phone, Internet status was displayed incorrectly as "Unknown".
  53. Software Update

  54. User can now choose view release notes prior to installing an update.